Welcome to International Journal of Creative Research Thoughts
International Online Multidisciplinary research Journal
Double Blind Expert Peer Reviewed, open Access Journal
Effort of young researchers, on the advice of experienced researchers, and operated by highly experienced researcher’s blessings
Advisory Board
Dr. Dheeraj Mehrotra Claus Janew
He has authored over 35 books and published over 800 publications.National teacher Award by the President of India in the year 2005 And the Best Science Teacher State Award (UP).
Email : dheerajm@helixtechsolutions.com
Experience -25 years,Author of philosophical books and articles in German and English.Independent Researcher in Dresden(Germany)
Email : clausjanew@free-will.de
Prof. Alexander Chumakov Dr. Praveen Kumar Tiwari
Chair of Philosophy ,Department, Russian Philosophical Society (Moscow, Russia)
Editor-in-Chief of Age of Globalization and Vestnik RFO journal.
Assistant Professor, UOU (UK) Assistant Director of Directorate of Regional Centers Mb. No.-08765352833
Email: pktedu@gmail.com
Dr.Victor Babu Koppula Prof. Flávio de São PEDRO FILHO
Editor-in-chief, IJMER ,department of philosophy, Andhra university, Visakhapatnam.
Email :victorphilosophy@gmail.com
Foundation Federal University of Rondônia ,Brazil.Member of the European International Business Academy.
Associate Regional Director America (Southern Region:T021) at IIMP®
Dr. Yvonne Paul Dr. Chinmay Pandya
Senior Lecturer ,Department of sport, Rehabilitation and dental sciences,
Tshwane University of Technology
Pro Vice Chancellor, Dev Sanskriti University,
Haridwar (Uttarakhand)
Prof. Dr. Fabrício M. de Almeida (pós-doc) Osman TİTREK
PhD / Masters in Regional Development - PGDRA /UNIR, Brazil. Editor in Chief - Sciente Park (ISSN 2312-8045)
Ph.D, Educational Science Assoc. Prof.
Dr. – Sakarya University Turkey
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